Day 245: Morning Moon

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Day 245:  Morning Moon

Day 245.  I wake up to find an email from Screenwriter Monica that begins with, “Okay, so Doug Adams said I love the sound of deadlines as they go whooshing past.”  Yes, I’m sure you know where this is going just like I did the minute I saw the email.  She was scheduled to deliver her rewrite yesterday.  Best laid plans.

Morning moon over my garage.

How can I judge when I am supposed to be done with my documentary, have one feature film finished and another one in the can by now?  I can’t.  I totally understand.  I’ve been there.  I am there.  I’m in the exact same boat.  Deadlines have been whooshing past me for 245 days.  I know, I know, I reached my first editing crusade deadline for the documentary but still, come on!  I’m ridiculously behind on my self-imposed deadlines for my films this year.

Anyhoo, she’s going to finish this weekend and send it to me next Tuesday after the holiday.  I told her if she wanted to deliver September 10th so she has an extra week, that’s fine with me.  If I were in her shoes, and I am, I’d want the extra time.

Uh-mazing Romantic Partner comes in my office just after I hit send on my reply and says, “You should go take another picture of the moon.  It’s still up.”   It’s 6:22am.  I rush outside with my iPhone.  There it is.  Still up, still looking not blue but quite full.  I snap a pic of it.  It makes me think of the Blue Moon Pact I just made last night with myself and anyone reading.  Feels like a good sign that I get to say hello to the moon again this morning and reaffirm the pact for the next blue moon on July 31, 2015.  The deal sealed with the morning moon.

Until tomorrow, create from what you have…missed deadlines.

Kelli Joan Bennett is a filmmaker, actress, writer, entrepreneur, advocate for creative thinking and Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Think Outside The Box Inside The Box Media.

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