Day 256: And so it begins…again.

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Day 256:  And so it begins…again.

Day 256.  The plan was to nail down the revised script completely before I sat back down to edit.  But, I couldn’t wait.  I felt it only fitting to work on my documentary, High School 911, on 9-11.  Although the day was intensely sad, as it has been every year since 2001, somehow creating something made me feel better.  The scene I worked on?  Scene 1.  That’s right, I’m right back where I started January 1st of this year—the beginning.  But like all beginnings after an ending—which was my editing crusade which ended in May—this one feels fresher.  It feels surprisingly new.  I am in a different place.  The documentary is in a different place.  The goal is still the same—to finish—but it’s in a different stage of the process of finishing.

When I finally sat down at the Avid yesterday at 3:30pm, it felt familiar but the work ahead of me felt more focused.  After creatively avoiding it all day—motivational brownies have been added to the grocery list to help with earlier start times—it turned out to only take me an hour and a half to revise the scene!  I couldn’t believe it.  And that’s when my face flushed, my eyes narrowed, and my mouth watered.  I could smell blood.  And in that moment I knew—I am going to finish my documentary.

Until tomorrow, create from what you have…the same but different beginnings.

Kelli Joan Bennett is a filmmaker, actress, writer, entrepreneur, advocate for creative thinking and Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Think Outside The Box Inside The Box Media.

1 Comment

  1. Another excellent post. Thank you for sharing your journey along with us. It is encouraging to learn others have the same, challenges we do, and your ability to over come them, walk around them whatever you do to get past them is amazing! Thanks for appearing in my email, day after day with these gentle reminds! LOL

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