Day 257: That’s 2!

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Day 257:  That’s 2!

Day 257.  I’m warming up!  So the September 17th plan is pretty much out the window.  I sat down for a couple hours on Tuesday and knocked off scene 1, and yesterday I was on the Avid for six and I finished the edit of scene 2.  It’s on, people, it’s on!  Technically, it was scene 2 and 3.  We are counting scene 1 as the cold open, which hasn’t been cut at all yet.

I think I already said this, but Producing Partner confirmed it in an email to me yesterday.  Dan the Amazing Editor Man is still happily on board and he’s up for polishing one scene a night for us.  The plan is for me to edit one scene a day.  Producing Partner and I will screen it at the end of the day, tweak and refine as necessary and then we will send it off to Dan to polish.  I gotta say, the first two scenes are so much more focused and on point now.  Guess they only needed a four-year gestation process to get there.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, Screenwriter Monica delivered her rewrite of Toothless!  I’ve got to carve out time to read that.  Which reminds me, I still have my three narrative features to make!  Part of me wants to do a big fat GROAN but you know what?  The theme for this month is speaking with respect and belief about my dreams and me.  So no groaning!  Only honor.   And certainly no panicking that counting today I only have 109 days left in my yearlong experiment in prolific creativity, to finish my doc and magically manifest my three features that are all still in screenplay form.  Piece of cake says the Universe!

Until tomorrow, create from what you have…conviction.

Kelli Joan Bennett is a filmmaker, actress, writer, entrepreneur, advocate for creative thinking and Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Think Outside The Box Inside The Box Media.

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