Creating 2015—Day 329 to Day 335:  HO, HO, HO!

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Creating 2015—Day 329 to Day 335:  HO, HO, HO!
Happy Holidays

In official holiday mode…

Happy December!  How was your Thanksgiving vacation? Mine was awesome and delicious and drunken and fun and Christmas tree decorating filled.  We’ve officially shifted into holiday mode!  Woo hoo!

So, that means there are only 31 days left of 2015.  How did that happen?!  Cray.  2016 is rapidly approaching.  I can’t wait!  I have a bad habit of considering the year basically over after my birthday in November.  I give up on the current year and start dreaming about the one to come.  I go into holiday mode and start seriously slacking off…biding my time until a fresh start.  The only exception I can think of was in 2012 when I went into pre-production on Collusions middle of November.  It was an insanely intense and busy end of the year.  Oh, and if I go way back, 2007 I was in production on the documentary in November and December.  So, every five yeas or so I break the bad habit.

Ho, Ho, Ho.

Ho, Ho, Ho.

And speaking of bad habits, I really give into them at this time of year!  I don’t hold back.  Just ask the near empty bottle of cabernet on my kitchen counter.  As Bill Murray’s character in Stripes says, “I have to dry out or I’ll be dead before I’m 30.”  In my case, it’s more like, “I have to dry out or I’ll be diabetic before I’m 50.”  But I highly doubt I’m going to spend the next 31 days in health mode.  Health mode and the holidays just don’t mix for me.  I need to work on that…next year.

Until tomorrow, create from what you have…bad habits.

Kelli Joan Bennett is a filmmaker, actress, writer, entrepreneur, advocate for creative thinking and Founder of Think Outside The Box Inside The Box Media.

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