Declare Your Dream Discussion & Workshop

The Declare Your Dream Experimental Motivation Project’s

1st Ever Discussion & Workshop

October 9, 2012 at Muse on 8th


Come on in!

Dreamers began gathering as early as 6pm at Muse on 8th to start with a yummy meal from the cafe, Muse on 8th.

The 1st Arrival!


Program for the evening.

Dreamers get their drinks and food and get settled prior to the evening beginning.

Getting drinks!

Getting food!


Getting settled!


About to start!


The founder of Think Outside The Box Inside The Box Media began the evening with a welcome, a thank you to Muse on 8th owner Jennifer Ritchkoff, and an explanation of the experiment.


Founder and co-creator of the experiment, Kelli Joan Bennett

Co-creator and originator of the idea, Leslie Ann Owen gives a talk and presentation of the experiment and dreams received.

Co-creator of the experiment, Leslie Ann Owen

 Our special guest for the evening, Dr. Jessica Romeyn, Psy.D., speaks about the psychology of motivation and the power of choice.  Dr. Romeyn is a member of the California Psychological Association as well as an Association Member of The Independent Educational Association.  She brings almost a decade of expertise in education and treatments of individuals across the lifespan with and without special needs.  She is known for her comprehensive and relatable style and is dedicated to working with students and parents.  She offers a personalized approach tailored to you and your family’s individual needs.  She is a passionate team builder and motivator with strong communication skills and will provide you with support ad guidance with locating educational placements, creating transitional plans and building clinical resources and teams.

Dr. Jessica Romeny, Psy.D., talks about motivation.


Guests asked fantastic questions during the discussion portion.  We talked about the challenge of language in declaring a dream.  Should we “want” it or do we already have it?  The challenges with whether to get specific or be general in dreaming, what’s better?  How do I know what my dream really is?  How many dreams can we have?  What constitutes a dream in the first place?  What is the point of us coming together?  We could have talked all night!

The Declaring Your Dream Gift Kits, which included a packet of Dream it Forward dream cards to pass out to friends and family, a ‘live, laugh, love’ motivational candle, and a ‘I ♥ Creating My Dreams’ notepad, were handed out and Dream PostCards were passed around and the creative dream declaring tool basket came out!


Declaring Your Dream Gift Kits!


Creative Dream Declaring Tools Basket!


During the workshop portion, everyone was able to creatively think about and declare their dreams on the back of the postcards with crayons, markers, paint pens, stickers, and cutting pictures and words out of magazines.  The group got incredibly creative as you will see by going to the See A Dream page and looking at the declared dreams.  All in all 22 dreams were declared from the group!


Two Dreamers with their Declared Dream!


Placing their declared dream in the Magical Secret Dream Collection Box!


The Founder and two young dreamers.


A secret message found on the front of one of the declared dreams in the Dream Collection Box!


It was an incredibly wonderful gathering of special dreamers and an inspiring and motivating evening.  We were asked if we are going to do it again and the answer is, we’re open to it and we will see if and when doing this again is a match!  Until then, keep dreaming, keep creating and keep motivating!

Please send us any questions or comments or feedback in the form below.

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