What’s your dream? Declare it. Act on it. Create it. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let’s kick off 2025 with a beautiful declared dream to get you thinking about your dreams, how you can create them and positively impact your life, your family, your community, and the world this year. Each week, the Declare Your Dream Experimental Motivation Project features one of the declared dreams in the experiment. The goal is to highlight the dream and put collective positive energy towards the dream manifesting for the Dreamer and motivate the reader of the...
read moreWhat’s your dream? Happy Summer! Let’s kick off the summer fun with a beautiful declared dream to get you thinking about your dreams, how you can create them and positively impact your life, your family, your community, and the world this year. Each week, the Declare Your Dream Experimental Motivation Project features one of the declared dreams in the experiment. The goal is to highlight the dream and put collective positive energy towards the dream manifesting for the Dreamer and motivate the reader of the Dream to focus on...
read moreWhat’s your dream? Each week, the Declare Your Dream Experimental Motivation Project features one of the declared dreams in the experiment. The goal is to highlight the dream and put collective positive energy towards the dream manifesting for the Dreamer and motivate the reader of the Dream to focus on their own dreams and begin creating them. This week’s featured dream was the 181st Dream to arrive in the experiment. DREAM PRAYER Light to focus on why your Dream matters to you. Light to take action towards your Dream. Light...
read moreWhat do you have? Create something positive from it! Whatever you have, someone somewhere has less but has created more from it. No matter what you have in your life—positives, negatives, weaknesses, strengths, riches, or poverty—you can create something positive from it. Even if it is just facial muscles to form a smile, vocal cords to say thank you, hands to open a door—you have something from which to create from. Appreciate all that you have to create from! Are you alive? Others aren’t. Do you have the full use of your legs? Others...
read moreWhat’s your dream? Each week, the Declare Your Dream Experimental Motivation Project features one of the declared dreams in the experiment. The goal is to highlight the dream and put collective positive energy towards the dream manifesting for the Dreamer and motivate the reader of the Dream to focus on their own dreams and begin creating them. This week’s featured dream was the 178th Dream to arrive in the experiment. DREAM PRAYER Light to focus on why your Dream matters to you. Light to take action towards your Dream. Light...
read moreWhat’s your dream? Each week, the Declare Your Dream Experimental Motivation Project features one of the declared dreams in the experiment. The goal is to highlight the dream and put collective positive energy towards the dream manifesting for the Dreamer and motivate the reader of the Dream to focus on their own dreams and begin creating them. This week’s featured dream was the 176th Dream to arrive in the experiment. DREAM PRAYER Light to focus on why your Dream matters to you. Light to take action towards your Dream. Light...
read moreTAKE AN HONEST LOOK (and get real!) Creating from what you have includes the accumulated results of your daily, monthly, yearly actions, habits, thoughts and beliefs. Be honest with yourself and take a long hard look at the past year. What worked? What didn’t? Where did you succeed? Where did you fail? What got done? What didn’t? Are you healthier as the year closes than when it began? Are you more financially secure? Less? Did you create what you set out to create? Did you simply talk about it or did you take action? Review what...
read moreWhat is in you? Bring it forth! Everyone has something inside them they’re dreaming to create—a song, a dance, a cake, an idea, a company, a school, a book, a building, a dream, a film, a story, a savings, a family, an education, an adventure, a home. What creation is inside of you? And what would happen if you simply started working on it? Quietly, consistently, gently giving it attention, energy and action? It doesn’t have to be some big drama or proclamation. It can simply be an internal shift, a clear decision, a...
read moreStressed out? Start creating! Instead of focusing on how stressed out you are, start creating from it instead! Shift your stress. Channel your stress. Use your stress. Stop your stress. Do whatever you have to do with your stress in order to create something from it today! Create peace. Create relaxation. Create a book. Create an application. Create a meditation. Create a workout. Create fun. Create a delicious meal. Create a great conversation. Create health. Create a beautiful and memorable...
read moreStuck? Shake things up! Routines can be wonderful in life. Brushing your teeth. Working out. Meditation. Schedules. But what happens when you are stuck in your creative work? Feeling uninspired? Bored? Blank? Shake it up! Change how you approach it, how you do it, what you do during the time you have scheduled for it! Instead of writing in the exact same spot, go to the library or a coffee shop or the beach. Change the view! Instead of creating in the exact same way, do something different. Instead of typing on your...
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