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 Do you hate Mondays?!

Get over it.


For many, Mondays are the first day of the workweek.  Collective ugh, right?  WRONG!  It’s a new beginning.  A fresh start.  A chance to do better, get it right, make a change.  What’s not to love about that awesomeness?  Sure, there may be work involved you’re not crazy about.  But, if you change your thinking, you can shift your attitude.  How wonderful is it that you have work that pays you and helps you pursue your dreams, cover your mortgage and feed your kids?  How fantastic is it that you have your physical and mental capabilities to be gainfully employed?  How fortunate is it that you are alive to get up and shower and go to work today?  It is all of the above:  wonderful, fantastic and fortunate.  And if you truly despise your work and it’s killing you, a Monday is the perfect day to make a choice to begin planning an exit strategy, a back-up plan, or even looking into going back to school to advance your education! Start the week off right by adjusting your attitude and being thankful for all that you have to create from.

Shift your thinking.

Adjust your attitude.

Create an amazing Monday.

From what you have.

Daily Dose of Motivation Pic Day 5


  1. Great advice! Love you

  2. Thank you for stopping by and being a part of motivating 2015!!!! Let’s make the most of every Monday we get! 🙂 Love you!!!

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