Posts made in September, 2012

Morning Motivation — Can you see a glimpse of your dream?

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Can you see a glimpse of your dream?   Start looking for your dreams everywhere!  Even if you can only see a glimpse of a dream that’s enough of a catalyst to get you excited about discovering more and more until you create it.  See a piece of your dream and begin creating it!  Keep looking and you will see more and more dreams you can create—from smiles, to kindness, to a positive gesture.  See your dreams.  Create your dreams…from what you have. Open your mind. See a glimpse of your dream. Create what you see. What are you going to create?...

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Morning Motivation — What are you thinking?

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What are you thinking?   Do you realize how powerful your thoughts are?  They are the first step in creating anything.  What are you thinking?  Are you thinking about the best possible things or are you focusing on the worst-case scenario?  Instead of thinking negatively, thinking about what you lack, thinking about what you don’t have, shift your mind and think positively, think about your strengths and think about what you do have.    Use your thoughts as a way to begin creating from what you have.  If you think about what you have in a new way it will spark new ideas and new ways to create something from it.  Think about what you already have in your life in a...

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Featured Dream of the Week: “I can write a novel!”

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Each Friday, the Declare Your Dream Experimental Motivation Project features one of the declared dreams in the experiment.  The goal is to highlight the dream and put collective positive energy towards the dream manifesting for the Dreamer. This week’s featured dream was the 15th Dream to arrive in the experiment.     DREAM PRAYER Light to focus on why your Dream matters to you. Light to take action towards your Dream. Light to never give up on your Dream. Light for your Dream to manifest.   With love and belief in you and your dream, The Declare Your Dream Community   To get motivated to Declare Your Dream and to take action towards making your Dream...

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Morning Motivation — Are you reflecting?

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Are you reflecting?   Have you ever stopped to reflect on what you are currently creating and if it’s what you actually want to be creating?  Instead of mindlessly speeding through life unconsciously creating, slow down and begin consciously creating.  Take the time to reflect on what you have already created in order to determine what you want to create as you move forward.  What have you created in your life, your health, your relationships, your career, your finances?  Seriously think about what you have created up to this point.  Are you creating what you truly want to create?  Or, do you not like what you see reflecting back at you?  What is the reflection of...

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Events — The Declare Your Dream Discussion & Workshop

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Think Outside The Box Inside The Box Media is proud to present   The Declare Your Dream  Experimental Motivation Project  Discussion and Workshop A casual evening of dreams, dreaming and dream declaring.       The experiment creators, Kelli Joan Bennett and Leslie Ann Owen, will be speaking about the experiment, its goals and impact, and doing a presentation of the dreams that have been contributed so far.  Special guest, Dr. Jessica Romeyn, Psy.D. will give a talk on the psychology of motivation and the power of choice.  This will be followed by a group discussion of thoughts, comments and questions.  The evening will be rounded out by handing out Declaring...

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Are you ready to play ball?

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Morning Motivation   Instead of watching from the sidelines or sitting in the stands get in the game and play ball!  It doesn’t matter if you know the rules.  It doesn’t matter if you aren’t sure where to go.  It doesn’t matter if you have no idea what you’re doing.  Just create from wherever you are with whatever you have right now!  Make it up as you go along.  You are the MVP of your life.  Create your own game.  Create your own playing field.  Create your own rules.  If you don’t get in the game you’ll never discover how to play.  Create something from what you have.  Watch your game expand. Get out of the stands. Get off the sidelines. Get in the game. Create...

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A Declare Your Dream Special Event

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Are You Ready to Declare Your Dream? Dream Experiment creators Kelli Joan Bennett and Leslie Ann Owen along with Special Guest Dr. Jessica Romeyn, Psy.D. will help to get you ready!   On October 9th at 7pm, Think Outside The Box Inside The Box Media is presenting the first ever Declare Your Dream Experimental Motivation Project Discussion and Workshop, a casual evening of dreams, dreaming and dream creating.  The event is being held at Muse on 8th at 759 S. La Brea Avenue in Los Angeles, California. The experiment creators, Kelli Joan Bennett and Leslie Ann Owen, will be speaking about the experiment, its goals and impact, and doing a presentation of the dreams that...

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Are you exercising your liberty?

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Morning Motivation   If you have liberty, count your blessings!  And if you have it, are you exercising it?  You have the power to choose, think and act for yourself.  Don’t wait for someone else to do your choosing, thinking and acting for you.  Use your power.  Get going!  You may not have millions, you may not be famous, you may not have access to everything it seems you need to accomplish all of your goals but what you have is enough to begin. Take advantage of your liberty and empower yourself by creating from wherever you are with whatever you have right now. Think your own thoughts. Act on your own dreams. Make your own choices. Own your own power. Create...

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How do you define success?

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Morning Motivation   There are a lot of different sources out there that have a very specific definition of success.  From how much you should weigh to how much money you should make to with whom you should be associated with to what you should believe—all in order to be deemed “successful.”  Instead of trying to fit into someone else’s definition of success define your own version.  What truly makes you feel successful?  Being kind?  Smiling at strangers?  Making someone laugh?  Being able to walk?  Paying your taxes?  Being a good member of your community?  Sending your kids to great schools?  Taking care of your parents?  Accomplishing your goals?  Create your...

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Do you realize you’re already over the rainbow?

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Morning Motivation   Instead of thinking “somewhere” and “someday” you’ll be happy, you’ll have all that you want, life will be idyllic and perfect, choose to think that right here right now is nirvana.  Somewhere over the rainbow is wherever you are!  Someday is right now in this moment.  Stop chasing and start creating.  Dare to create your dreams every day.  Create your dreams from wherever you are with whatever you have right now. Somewhere is here. Someday is now. Stop chasing. Start creating. —From what you have.   What are you going to create?...

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