In The Trenches—The Founder’s Daily Report: Day 328—Half Day

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In The Trenches—The Founder’s Daily Report:  Day 328—Half Day

Day 328:  I took Thanksgiving completely off from the editing!  Woo hoo!  Honestly, I needed a full day away.  It had been awhile.  I spent the day with people I love and ate way too much food.  Oh how glorious it was.

Today I clocked in around 11, took a break at 1pm for an amazing lunch prepared by Uh-mazing Romantic Partner, went back to editing for a bit, took a nap, edited for about another hour and now I’m clocking out before 5pm to have a cinnamon roll and watch the Dark Knight Rises, or whatever it’s called.

So, long story short, scene 31 is not done.  It’s far from done.  For starters, I’m building it pretty much from scratch.  This one hasn’t been touched since I did my original string out of it back in April.  And to state the obvious, I’ve only put in a half-day.  But that’s okay.  I told myself I could have two days to do this scene.  Taking a little bit of the pressure off.  Feels good.

The thankfulness continues.

Until tomorrow, create from what you have…half days.

Kelli Joan Bennett is a filmmaker, actress, writer, entrepreneur, advocate for creative thinking and Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Think Outside The Box Inside The Box Media.

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