Day 188: Dream Bonanza!

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Day 188:  Dream Bonanza!

Day 188.  I wait the usual two weeks before I go check the PO Box again.  Why do I wait so long when it makes me so happy to receive dreams?  My fear the box will be dreamless.  But, today is the day.  The two-week mark.  Dreams or no dreams, I’m going to check.  Last time, there was only one dream—one beautiful, very serious dream—waiting for me.  Oh the joy.  But, I have no idea what will be waiting for me today, if anything.  I reluctantly switch from my pajama bottoms to a pair of acceptable shorts for public consumption.  I grab my keys, jump in my truck and drive to the Post Office.  I walk into the lobby and head towards PO Box 12087.  I look down at my key chain.  The PO Box key isn’t on my key ring?  What the…?!  Uh oh.  A sign?

Luckily, the Post Office is only a few minutes from my house.  I drive back home.  I briefly contemplate waiting to go back until Monday.  Nah, I think, I’m already out of my pajamas.  I grab the key and head back to the Post Office.  As I walk into the Post Office lobby for the second time, I do a double take.  I swear I just walked by the same old guy whose PO Box I was blocking two weeks ago!  A sign?  This time he has green khaki shorts on.  I beeline for my box, do the familiar with my key—turn it and open the small door.  My jaw drops.  Holy keeper of dreams!  It’s a freakin’ dream bonanza!  My heart skips more than a few beats.  Like just won chips in a poker game, I use two hands to carefully scoop the dream postcards out and into my possession.  And just like a greedy gambler, I count my winnings.  One, two, three…Eight.  There are eight new dreams in the Experimental Motivation Project!   There’s too many to read so I don’t walk out of the Post Office, I jig out—cloud nine my dance floor.

Pick a dream!

When I get home I devour the new dreams.  Each one brings me to tears.  All worthy.  All special.  All incredible.  Definitely a sign that this experiment in motivation is meant to be.  Welcome, new dreamers!  I may not know who you are, although I can theorize on a couple—nope, not one postmark is readable—we are in this together.  I say a prayer for each of your dreams to come true.  Then I energetically send my prayers and your dreams out into the Universe to help manifest them.  Woo hoo!  Let the dream creation begin!

Until tomorrow, create from what you have…a bonanza of dreams.

To see a dream, go to:

To learn more about the Declare Your Dream Experimental Motivation Project, go to:

For instructions on how to anonymously participate in the Declare Your Dream Experimental Motivation Project, go to:  How to Declare Your Dream

Kelli Joan Bennett is a filmmaker, actress, writer, entrepreneur, advocate for creative thinking and Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Think Outside The Box Inside The Box Media.


  1. Many dreams for you! I like when I get mail 🙂

    • Thank you! And the same to you!

      Regular mail doesn’t do much for me, but every time a new dream arrives in the PO Box for this Experimental Motivation Project it brings me such joy! 🙂

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