Day 234: Editing News

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Day 234:  Editing News

Day 234.  I’ve been doing a lot of editing lately.  No, not editing on my documentary.  Editing on other writers’ writing.  I actually love it but it’s surprisingly a tremendous amount of work!  It’s like writing but without the writing.  I now understand why the first thank you in the acknowledgement section of books tends to be to the writer’s editor.

The good news is I’m no longer two full days behind this week I’m only one day behind.  If I can get done tonight what I need to get done and get done tomorrow what I need to get done then I’m caught up.  The bad news is I’ve been up since 4:30am and I’m fading.  All I want is to take a hot shower, put my pajamas on and get a cup of chamomile tea in my hands.

Well, I can have those things I just need to have my laptop on my lap and be working in my pajamas while I have my tea  And that’s okay.  Have I told you lately how much I love my new venture?  Well, I love my new venture!  And I’m making a decision right now that I’m going to get caught up as planned.  I can do this!  Mini crusade to catch up on my work starts right now.

Oh, and speaking of editors, a little more bad news.  We lost one of our baby editors for the documentary!  Deep sigh.  Josh is down for the count due to mono or something like that.  Producing Partner is picking up the drives today.  Which means, I will be back on the Avid again!  In fact, we are about to make a huge push between now and September 10th, when my partner starts his next gig, to get to a watchable cut of the documentary.  Yes, there may even be another crusade.  I’ll keep you posted.

Until tomorrow, create from what you have…good and bad news.

Kelli Joan Bennett is a filmmaker, actress, writer, entrepreneur, advocate for creative thinking and Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Think Outside The Box Inside The Box Media.

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