Day 269: A Big Decision

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Day 269:  A Big Decision

Day 269.  I’m off to a late start this morning.  I slept a delicious 10 and 1/2 hours last night.   As my mother always says, “You must have needed it.”  And I did.  I was wiped out.  Sleep is so amazing, isn’t it?  It’s such a healing thing.  I’m not going to lie, I feel a bit like a train ran over me but I think that’s because I haven’t woken up yet.  But wake up I must.  There’s much to do.

Today is full of fun meetings and an appointment with my oral surgeon.  I’m going to find out today if I’m cleared to get my permanent tooth put in!  I should be super excited about this news considering I have been without said tooth for almost a year, but, I’m anxious about it.  Here’s my dilemma.  I just finished reading Screenwriter Monica’s rewrite and I loved it.  I have already drafted emails to friends to begin putting a reading of the script together to take the next rewrite and production pass from.

What to do? I’m thinking.

BUT, the problem is, my character in the script is missing her tooth through half of the movie.  That was the catalyst for the idea in the first place, this whole tooth trauma…to use it to create something from.  “Create from what you have.”  And I had a missing tooth.  If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can read about it on Day 83.

Long story short, if I get my permanent tooth in, I’ll be shelving that project.  If I wait to put the permanent tooth in, I’ll have to remain toothless for yet another four to six months, at a minimum, not only because there will be another rewrite and tons of pre-production but also because I have to finish the editing for the doc that just got put back into my lap and that’s going to take the next three months.  All of this before I can shoot anything.  Ugh.

I’m beyond torn because I am beyond ready to close this tooth chapter in my life.  But that means closing the chapter on this film.  It’s a big decision.  What to do?

Until tomorrow, create from what you have…decisions to make.

Kelli Joan Bennett is a filmmaker, actress, writer, entrepreneur, advocate for creative thinking and Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Think Outside The Box Inside The Box Media.

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