Creating 2015—Day 27:   My Homecoming King

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Creating 2015—Day 27:   My Homecoming King

I’m about to head out for a walk when I check my emails one last time.  Why I check me emails, I’m not sure.  It’s compulsive.  I’m surprised to see one from my best friend from high school with the subject:  Classmate.  Huh.  I haven’t heard from Kerri in forever.  I’m happy to see an email from her but I wonder what’s up.  She is writing to let me know that our classmate, Eddie, has just died.  “What?” I say out loud as I read the message, stunned.  She didn’t have the details but was trying to let everyone in our class know.  Which is not a large task.  My high school graduating class only had 19 people in it.  Minus Eddie, we’re down to 18.  Wow.  My mind is blown.

My Homecoming King

My Homecoming King

Eddie was the Homecoming King to my Queen.  I remember him as a fun loving rebel who had a delicious “fuck it” attitude—something I felt a kinship to at the time.  Still do.  After I get over my initial shock, I burst into tears as I go dig up my high school photo album.  Even though it was the late 80’s, you can still see, through all the feathered hair parted in the middle, that Eddie was a cutie.  We never dated in high school. We were always just friends.  Looking at how cute he was back then, I wonder, “what was I thinking?!”  The thing I remember most about Eddie was what a good, nice guy he was and what a good friend he was.  And, he was so fun loving and a blast to hang out with!  Good people, as my Dad used to say.

Eddie's the one in the middle flipping off the camera.

Eddie is the one in the middle…flipping off the camera.

The last thing he said to me—which I’m pretty sure was at our 10 year high school reunion (correct me if I’m wrong, Kerri) and the last time I saw him—was, “I might just show up on your door step out there in California one of these days.”  I laughed and said, “come on out!”  He never made it.  Although, apparently he was pretty close when he died.  He was in Las Vegas!  I feel that pang of regret you have when you realize you lost touch with a friend 18 years ago and now there is no more time to ever reconnect.  There will be no more Facebook opportunities, no more reunions, no more hope that he may indeed just show up on my doorstep out here in California.  Eddie is dead.  The finality of it makes me woozy.  I sit down until it passes.

Always cool, easy rider.

Always cool.

Not the best way to start a day.  But on the bright side, despite my deep sadness at this unexpected news of loss, I suddenly feel incredibly thankful for the air in my lungs, two legs to walk with, the food on my plate, a beautiful family, friends and future husband.  I am still alive!  And I will live as boldly and bravely and creatively as I can for as long as I have.  Actually, Eddie said one more thing to me in his passing way too young and too soon…Life is precious.

So, now it is you, Eddie, who has a doorstep that I will inevitably end up on.  Until then, you may be gone but you are not forgotten.  Rest in peace, old friend.

My deepest condolences to Eddie’s family and friends.

Until tomorrow, create from what you have…a precious life.

Kelli Joan Bennett is a filmmaker, actress, writer, entrepreneur, advocate for creative thinking and Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Think Outside The Box Inside The Box Media.


  1. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend! <3

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