How are you pursuing your dreams? Pursue them like your life depends on it! Whatever you’re dreaming to create, how are you pursuing it? Like a hobby? Like a job? Like a fire is lit under your feet? However you pursue your dreams will determine whether you reach them or not. Do you actually believe manifesting your dream is possible or do you just like fantasizing about the idea of it? Are you seriously pursuing your dream or simply playing at it? Are you pursuing your dream with love, joy, excitement, and commitment? Are you continually researching, learning, and educating yourself on the craft, skill, technique, and business...
Read More2 steps to creating a dream Whatever you’re dreaming of creating—a new kitchen, an education, a novel, a business, a better job, a school, a happy family, a healthy body, more energy, a dance, an invention, a connection, love, peace, a community—believe in your dream. It’s the first step. The second step is taking action. From wherever you are with whatever you have, begin. Don’t wait. Create. Right now. From what you have. You have so much more than you realize! See it. Appreciate it. Create from it. Step 1: BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAM Step 2: TAKE ACTION TOWARDS CREATING IT We can transform—one dream, one belief, one action, one creation at a time. What...
Read MoreOut of flow? Make some space! As life expands and grows it can become overgrown with chaos and clutter and dysfunction until you can no longer see straight! Not only is your garage full of crap but also your relationships, your emotions, your body. It’s time to take inventory of everything in your life, your business, your relationships, your goals, your mental attitudes. Where are you out of flow? What’s cluttering up your life? It’s time to make some space! Clear the brush. Trim the broken branches. Mend the wounded roots. Cut out the diseased portions. Clean up your life. Find your focus. Create a healthy...
Read MoreAre you ready for a YES?! Give it to yourself. “No” is one of the toughest things to hear in life. No, I don’t love you. No, you didn’t get in. No, you didn’t get the job. No, you lost. No, you can’t have that, do that, be that. It takes away your power. The culture of “no” keeps the power in the hands of someone else. Waiting for a “yes” sucks but is a part of life that every human being on the planet has to deal with. “No” is a part of reality. But what if you stopped giving the no’s so much power—to crush you, to stop you, to keep you insecure and small? What if you...
Read MoreWhat are you going to do? Do it genuinely…as you! No matter what you set out to do this year—work, play, create, build, help, change—do it as you! Cut the crap. Cut the pretense. Cut the pretending. Cut the posturing. Step into all of who you are and love it! Don’t fall victim to fashion or trends or herd mentality or mean people who want to make you feel less than or put you down or tell you that you’ll never succeed because of who you are. Don’t fall victim to your own insecurities, fears, or doubts. Be loud and proud of your voice, your face, your body, your age, your ideas, your inventions, your work, and your creativity—they are your unique...
Read MoreWhat do you want? Fight for it! When all seems lost—you fail the test, you lose the investor, you eat the cake—don’t throw up your hands in despair and give up. Reassess, regroup and fight harder instead! Go back to what made you start in the first place. Why do you want to write? Why do you want to get healthy? Why do you want to run a marathon? Why do you want to build a business? Why do you want to go to school? Why do you want to learn how to fly a plane? Why do you want to get your masters degree? Why do you want to get the job? Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to make your movie? Why do you want to change? Remember your why and...
Read MoreWorry taking up too much space? Give thanks instead! When the worry monster takes over—about money, about relationships, about work, about holiday guests—acknowledge it, note it and then replace it with giving thanks instead! Replace worry by thinking about who and what you are actually grateful for and give thanks for it and for them. Replace worry by feeling thankful. Replace worry by saying thank you. Replace worry by taking action to assuage that worry and get to a place of thankfulness. Be aware when worry takes up too much space so you can shift and take action or release and let go. Let worry motivate you to be thankful and take action! Think thanks. Feel...
Read MoreAfraid you’ll fail? Do it anyway! Whatever it is, you can do it! The only way to succeed is to first fail. If we don’t fail, how will we ever figure anything out? How will we ever know what works or what doesn’t work? How will we ever know what matters enough to not give up? Success is the result of failure or more likely a long string of failures. Giving up is the only failure that is permanent. If you stop writing, you’ll never know if you could write an entire book. If you stop drawing, you’ll never know if you could paint your dreams. If you stop acting, you’ll never know if you could do a one-woman show. If you stop working towards whatever it is...
Read MoreCan’t let go? Move forward instead. There are times when letting go of something or someone—literally or figuratively—might not actually be possible for you. You may still have to see your ex-husband because you created a child together. You may still have to take your thyroid medication to keep your energy up and be healthy. You may not want to let go of the friend or mother or father or child in your life who died. You may want to keep their memory alive and with you forever. Not being able to let go of these realities in your life doesn’t mean you can’t move forward. You don’t have to be defined by your divorce or illness or loss. Just because you can’t let go...
Read MoreWhat’s weighing you down? Let it go! You are capable of becoming healthy, strong, independent, educated, financially secure and creatively fulfilled! What’s stopping you? Sometimes you have to let go of the things, people, places, and behaviors that aren’t serving your greater good in order to create a new best you. Whatever or whoever is weighing you down it’s time to let it or them go! What are you holding onto that isn’t allowing you to grow, change, expand, discover, or create the life you want to live? Is it happy hour, sugar, negative thinking, anger, a bad relationship, an unhealthy habit, a limiting belief system, an old idea of who you’re supposed to...
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